Planning, architecture and design




“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan but also believe ”
Anatole France





Our staffs have experiences from all corners of the world. We see every new project, large or small, as an opportunity to learn something new about the world - about how to best plan and design people-friendly environments.

Form and design
We continuously analyse and design public, urban environments. Of course we can assist also when planning and designing private environments. In our designs and plans we always have in focus for whom and for what uses we actually plan for.

Our concept for planning and studying urban environments is as a tool that consists of three parts: Structure, Functions and Activities. Structure and functions together set the conditions for where various activities have a possibility to arise. With awareness of the connection between them and with an apt design approach in line with human needs and desires, the urban environment will have a great potential to become sociable. By filling the city with such environments it undoubtedly will have a great chance to become a people-friendly city, full of life.

Visualisation and illustrations
We have broad knowledge in the field of visualisation and we work both digitally and analogue. Digitally we work with tools as AutoCAD, 3d Studio Max, Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash. We draw up everything from photo real 3d-renderings and photo montages to quick sketches. To present your ideas, plans and programs etc. we can help produce web graphics, brochures, maps, posters and other necessary information materials.

Plans and studies
Our Sociable Space Concept can be used as a tool when planning sustainable urban environments and when analysing existing areas in need of renewal. Our competent staffs are experienced in all levels of planning, from the comprehensive master plan level to the detailed planning and design level. We carry out studies on robustness and perform environmental assessments of projects and plans and other types of planning related studies.
